
Environment monitoring built for your space

Mindsett's environment monitoring enables your business to provide the most comfortable space for both employees and customers. Our data covers temperature, humidity and air quality, making your space safe, compliant and enjoyable.

Easy to Install
One Sensor - Three Categories
Mindsett understands that

The environment is more than just your space

At Mindsett we care about the impact your business's actions have on the planet, our aim is to provide you with a structured route to Net Zero, all while maintaining your customer's and employee's comfort levels.

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Create the perfect environment

  • Automated compliance and checks, keeping your business safe
  • Aiding with keeping up to date with Covid-19 compliance
  • Reducing staff time spent on unnecessary tasks, releasing their time to serve customers
  • Improved customer experience by ensuring a comfortable environment
  • Real-time data and insights that get passed straight to the user
  • An app that notifies the user of any changes to they can be rectified


Please contact us below to start your IoT journey to sustainable change.

Locate Us

4 The Courtyards, Phoenix Square, Wyncolls Road, Colchester, CO49PE

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+44 844 357 3560